Here are lists of Japanese vocabulary and phrase samples frequently used in daily living, travel, at work. Make the best use of this website and learn or brush up on your Japanese.
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Length, dimensions, temperatures, weight & Volumes, and Tatami/Tsubo sizes
Eigo* Samples are collections of practical Japanese-English language translation learning aids. This site aims to assist in learning Japanese and overcoming language barriers in everyday life, whether you are a non-Japanese speaker living/working in Japan or a tourist on a trip within Japan.
*The word eigo is the Japanese romaji word for English.
Japanese phrase samples
English-Japanese conversation samples for beginners, mostly for tourists.
Japanese writing samples
Provides E-mail samples for hotel booking
Japanese Vocabulary list
Here are lists of Japanese vocabulary that are frequently used in daily living but soon to forget. Checking up those words sometimes on this website will help keep them in mind.
Speaking drill
Japanese/English conversation practice for advanced learners.. Using the words shown in lists, make sentences and speak them up quickly.
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